
This is a follow up to my email earlier today regarding my battery issues in Ubuntu 10.10. (see it below).

I am writing this from within Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD off the battery. OK, so the battery is still not charging properly but this is a battery issue and has the same probs under XP.

Under 10.10 if I booted up off the battery or pulled the plug while it was on it would hang the machine, but it isnt doing it under 9.10. This at least gives me a bit of hope that it isnt hardware related or a problem with my ThinkPad more of a Ubuntu issue.

Can anyone shed any light on this. I might just go ahead and install 9.10 over 10.10 - at least then I could run it off battery.


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I am trying to get round a problem with ThinkPad R31 running XP and Ubuntu 10.10

The battery is a bit flakey and it doesnt always show the correct time left, so the light will flash telling me it is running out of battery but it will run for about 60 mins doing this. Not a huge problem but I have bigger problems in Ubuntu.

It will not run off battery. If I boot it on battery once it gets into Ubuntu it will hang and the scroll lock and caps lock light flash. Also if I boot on AC adapter and then pull it out it does the same.

It doesnt do this in XP. So while the battery is a bit flakey this is more of a problem with Ubuntu specifically.

I have tried editing the boot options in grub - adding acpi=off - but that stopped the machine booting. It just showed a load of text of screen and wouldnt go any further. I managed to remove the line and restored grub.

I really would love to resolve this. It is the one thing stopping me from using Ubuntu all the time.

Any ideas?


--- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SimonRoyal - LowEndMac: http://tinyurl.com/macspectrum - Skype: Simon-Royal.
--- IBM ThinkPad R31 running Ubuntu 10.10 & Windows XP Home. Apple PowerBook G3 'Pismo' running OSX 10.4. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro running 2.1