Open Rights Group



Dear Mick Morgan,

Join us in making real change against surveillance culture

This summer we learnt that the Government routinely taps into and stores your personal data. It seems that the right to privacy was looked over when they were busy looking at your emails.

As they try to brush over the story it is clear how easy it is for your rights to be swept away if we don’t make a stand. Politicians robotically repeat “nothing to hide, nothing to fear”, even to the revelation that the US NSA has access to data gathered on UK and EU citizens.

ORG must be able to fight PRISM and Tempora

After our hard work taking on and defeating the Snoopers' Charter, we have already launched a legal challenge alongside English PEN and Big Brother Watch to take the Government to Strasbourg on human rights grounds. We have responded to President Obama's review board of the NSA and we have constantly been speaking to the media.

However the surveillance fight needs to be made in the UK Parliament. Stopping Tempora is our biggest fight yet and we need your help.

As part of our efforts ORG wants to be able to:

Help us reach 2000 supporters and take these next steps together.

You can help ORG achieve this: Please join today

Every donation makes a difference.

Thank you,


Ruth Coustick-Deal
Supporter Officer
Open Rights Group

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