
I use DropBox. Ive used it under Mac OSX, Windows and previously under Ubuntu.

I have just set it up again under 10.10 but I am not sure whether it is working. I changed it so it was on the default location. It is in my 30GB FAT32 partition so I can access it from both Ubuntu and Windows.

The little icon in the menu bar at the top is spinning away, but it does not seem to be doing anything in the folder. I have over 2000 files in one of the folders. There are other folders with only a few files in too.

Do I have to wait for all the files to be downloaded in to the folder before it will see any of the files or should it see the files downloading into the folder as they come in.


--- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SimonRoyal - LowEndMac: http://tinyurl.com/macspectrum - Skype: Simon-Royal.
--- IBM ThinkPad R31 running Ubuntu 10.10 & Windows XP Home. Apple PowerBook G3 'Pismo' running OSX 10.4. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro running 2.1