I've had the Ghostery plugin on FF for ages. Not changed anything else either apart from routine updates. 

I've installed the same plugins on Ghostery, except Ghostery itself of course, and it still performs better that FF. So I've made it default browser but still keep FF for a while in case I find something needs it. 

As for buying RAM. It's DDR3 PC133. Standard desktop stuff but if I have spare cash I'd rather spend it on boat stuff!  Anyone has any going cheap,  do let me know. 

On 18 Apr 2022 13:52, Adam Bower <adam@thebowery.co.uk> wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 10:44:02AM +0100, Phil Thane wrote:
> If you're not familiar the 3rd col shows % of CPU being used and the 4th is % of RAM.
> As you can see FF opens a lot more processes and three of them are serious resource hogs. Anyone else found this?
> Guess I'll just use ghostery all the time though it doesn't have all the FF plugins I use. But maybe that's the issue?

The processes are used for security reasons to isolate each site/tab from
each other so they don't share memory space.

Have you tried just adding ghostery to normal firefox? what the likely
explanation is that all the javascript which is blocked by ghostery isn't
getting loaded which can eat memory. It's probably not that one is more of
a resource hog than the other, it's just the one where ghostery is enabled
is doing less overall. 

As an aside, I would look at getting some more RAM if possible, 4GB isn't
a lot these days! If it's something unusual and expensive to get hold of
then maybe ask on here, I've got sticks of RAM kicking about that I no
longer need but can't be bothered to test and sell either, sometimes as I
no longer have suitable machines to test it in.

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