Hi Mick,
I'd be interested.
See below mail from ORG. Is anyone interested in the possibility of
setting up a cryptoparty? Anyone from norwich2600 on the list with
views? Is there likely to be a demand for such a party in Norfolk (or
perhaps the wider Anglia region? Anyone with any similar experience
(such as key signing parties)?
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 05:43:48 -0500 (EST)
From: ORG- Ruth Coustick-Deal <ruth@openrightsgroup.org>
To: mick@rlogin.net
Subject: Make this your moment
Dear Mick Morgan,
How can we protect our email, IM chat and web browsing from the prying
eyes of GCHQ and the NSA?
Over the last few months we've learnt more and more from Edward Snowden
and The Guardian about just how exposed our online communications are.
To help protect our online privacy, we're looking to help you put on a
Cryptoparty in your local area. Could you be a key organiser for one
near you? Reply to this email to let us know.
Cryptoparties are an easy and effective way to extend technical
knowledge of encryption programs.
All they require is a venue with internet access and power sources.
We're also looking for people who are happy to teach others how to use
encryption tools such as PGP, OTR and Tor.
Are you able to provide this technical knowledge? Or are you keen to
help organise the event?
If so, it'd be great if you could be a key organiser of a local
Cryptoparty. Reply to this email to let us know you're interested.
We'll help you organise along the way and provide the essential
materials to help make the event a success. There may already be an
existing local ORG group in your area.
If you'd like more information on how to organise a Cryptoparty, help
can be found here: http://www.cryptoparty.in/organize/howto
If you have any questions on how we could support you further, then of
course just email me on campaigns@openrightsgroup.org
So as Cryptoparty say - let's party like it‘s 31st December 1983!
Thanks and best wishes,
Olivia Jardine
Campaigns Intern
Open Rights Group
Follow us on:
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ORG relies on supporter donations to run campaigns like this. Please
join us to support ORG's work. https://www.openrightsgroup.org/join
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future emails, you can do so here.
Mick Morgan
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Dear Mick Morgan,
Join us in making real change against surveillance culture
This summer we learnt that the Government routinely taps into and stores your personal data. It seems that the right to privacy was looked over when they were busy looking at your emails.
As they try to brush over the story it is clear how easy it is for your rights to be swept away if we don’t make a stand. Politicians robotically repeat “nothing to hide, nothing to fear”, even to the revelation that the US NSA has access to data gathered on UK and EU citizens.
ORG must be able to fight PRISM and Tempora
After our hard work taking on and defeating the Snoopers' Charter, we have already launched a legal challenge alongside English PEN and Big Brother Watch to take the Government to Strasbourg on human rights grounds. We have responded to President Obama's review board of the NSA and we have constantly been speaking to the media.
However the surveillance fight needs to be made in the UK Parliament. Stopping Tempora is our biggest fight yet and we need your help.
As part of our efforts ORG wants to be able to:
- Bring Bruce Schneier to the UK to share his expertise with Parliament
- Produce a report into the impacts of PRISM and Tempora on UK businesses
- Bring the issue back to page one of the papers
- Organise crypto-parties around the country and educate people about privacy
- Run an MP Lobby Day to mass petition Parliament for change
- Persuade other campaign groups that defending privacy should be part of their mission
Help us reach 2000 supporters and take these next steps together.
You can help ORG achieve this: Please join today
Every donation makes a difference.
Thank you,
Ruth Coustick-Deal
Supporter Officer
Open Rights Group
Follow us on Twitter | Find us on Facebook | Add us on Google+ORG relies on supporter donations to run campaigns like this. Please join us to support ORG's work.
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