
First of all I must clarify that you have tried to find this user manual online and it's not available :)?

If the above is true why don't you scan the pages extract clean text with tools mentioned before and then paste all to LibreOffice which will allow to save file as document. PDF is just an envelope in which you can have selectable text, images, etc. So you could even use scanned columns of text and align them on A4 in Writer and then save as pdf.
Imagemagic seams to be a sledgehammer bit to big for what you need :)


W dniu sobota, 2 marca 2019 Huge <huge@huge.org.uk> napisał(a):
> On Thu, 2019-02-28 at 22:21 +0000, Chris Green wrote:
>> I have a multilingual manual for a new tractor mounted mower.  It's
>> almost unreadable because the 'multilingual' is done by having five
>> columns of text (one of each language) down the pages. 
>> So I thought it would be easy to scan just the English columns and
>> paste them together, five columns to a page, to make an English only
>> version of the manual.
>> It's not at all easy!
>> There are very few programs that will 'merge' PDF pages and those
>> that
>> do seem to assume one is just trying to pack two or four complete PDF
>> pages onto one sheet to save paper.
>> So can anyone suggest how I can do this?  I can very easily scan the
>> English bits as required, what I need is a handy tool for putting a
>> number of scanned images onto a page.  I was trying to do this using
>> PDF but it may well be that other file types would be easier, I can
>> scan to JPG, TIFF, PNM, etc. easily enough.
> I'd be inclined to feed the scanned images into Tesseract and make them
> into actual text.
> --
> Today is Sweetmorn, the 61st day of Chaos in the YOLD 3185
> 'O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas,
>             who was once handsome and tall as you.'
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