I'm looking too. I haven't considered Linux much as yet in the hope that it should just go on any laptop... Shouldn't it?

Beware of the 'i7' brand, it doesn't mean as much in mobile land, some of them aren't even quad core. Google two cpus to get a comparison to see if it's worth paying extra.

I've been comparing prices on HotUKDeals and I'm probably going to end up speccing my own at PC Specialist due to my liking of SSD and RAM. And they don't force you to have Windows.


On 31 December 2015 12:04:17 GMT+00:00, Michael Goddard <emmjee@mypostoffice.co.uk> wrote:
I'm considering purchasing a laptop (say 15.6" screen + Intel i7 CPU type) and I would be grateful to anybody for any comment on recommended brand, model, and potential supplier suitable for use with Mint.

Here's wishing all ALUG-gers a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!