Hi Mark,

thanks a lot for your reply.

You are absolutely 100% right again.

I have been running tests for download/upload for Orange support and I can get 4 MBits now without restarting my router.

Will upload the result to them and keep them busy with my complains.

Thank you very much for your help/input which has given me huge experience from others.

Kind Regards,

Dalibor Zema

On 09/21/2010 09:46 AM, Mark Rogers wrote:
 On 15/09/10 10:56, Dalibor Zeman wrote:
thanks for your reply. You are right.

The phone is fixed, BT guy came and fixed the exact problem you described.

Any knowledge about internet speed/exchange server?

Fixing wires didn't help to gain any speed.

I can't get more than 1 MBit, and I remember I had 6 MBits some time ago.

It seems highly likely that the line break was the problem. However, ADSL services automatically regrade themselves depending on what they can reliably sustain, so you may have to wait a while (days) for the improved line conditions to have an effect on your actual speed. I would disconnect your ADSL router overnight and see if it improves the following day.

If you are optimistic you could speak with your ADSL provider (Orange) and see if they can force the line to be reset so that it restarts the procedure that happens when a line is first enabled, although you may not get past the front-level support droids to achieve it.