Hi all,
Well, having fought with Debian 2.1 for some hours, I had to give up. The
reason: with no mouse I could'n't get into X, and with no modem I couldn't
hit the net to get help; I set both up myself and in the case of the
modem, I tried manual configuration and Debian's pppconfig/pon progs, but
neither had much effect (setserial reported the tty to be fine).
So, last night I formatted again, and reinstalled RH6 - I am now
rebuilding what I had, this time using RPMs and not source tarballs.
However, I have had one slight hitch in my mail system.
I backed /var/spool/mail up onto a Windows partition, reinstalled, got
sendmail up and unfortunately collected mail before installing the
backed-up mail. Hence this email.
I just took a look at /var/spool/mail/jg to see if concatentation of files
was possible, but there's a system-generated initial email with an
'X-IMAP' header and number which appears to have some significance. I'm no
Unix mail expert, so what should I do? I only use sendmail with pine using
standard unix mail configuration, so what do I do? Here's the email: