Hi Folks
After installing RH8.0 over the weekend and getting really (and I mean
*really) **** off with yet another compiler producing broken binaries, I
think it's about time to look at another linux base. Some questions for the
Gentoo experts (cos gentoo.org times out on me).
Do I need an existing linux install as I would with Linux From Scratch ?
What compiler does it use ?
Does the gentoo CD come with sources for useable desktop environments such as
How long would it take to …
[View More]build a working system (complete with X and KDE) on
a Duron 800MHz box ?
Regards, Paul.
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I nearly missed this in Linux Format today, so just in case any of you did too
and haven't heard about from other sources...
Epson have released the drivers / UI for their scanners again, in a more GPL
friendly manner.
And it works very well indeed too. All I need is to get my lexmark printer
working properly (bought *just* before I decided to give linux a try) and
I'll be a happy bunny
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Officially the best norwich based anarchist web site that has overly large
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Re: Gentoo
by john.seago@dakings.fsnet.co.uk
29 Nov '02
29 Nov '02
If it was another packaging system you were looking for, as opposed to
specifically wanting to install Gentoo, why not have a look at Slackware?
Slackware specific packages install with pkgtool, every thing else is
compled from source, (usually, > ./configure >make >make intall).
Some find it difficult to begin with, but if I can manage to get it up and
running, I'm sure that the vast majority of those subscribing to this
list, can have a working installation in a shorter time …
[View More]than it takes me!
John Seago
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alug-announce | Newsletter of the Anglian Linux User Group | Weekly(ish)
** Please send articles for this letter to announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk **
*** Please send replies to main(a)lists.alug.org.uk, not announce... ***
Today's Topics:
1. MEETING: 1 December 2002, King's Lynn (MJ Ray)
Message: 1
From: MJ Ray <markj(a)cloaked.freeserve.co.uk>
To: announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 00:19:12 +0000
Subject: [Alug Announce] MEETING: 1 December 2002, King's Lynn
The 1 December 2002 meeting will be at the NorthLynn Discovery Centre, from
2pm to 6pm (relocating to a nearby beer seller at 5pm, probably).
The main topic to be discussed (decided?) are the themes and presenters for
the new year's Introductory Talks. So, if you are interested in finding out
more about Linux and GNU, or want to be involved in helping others find out
more, please come along and get involved.
There will also be the normal troubleshooting (bring out your sick machines)
and possibly some demonstrations (get your requests in to the members at
main(a)lists.alug.org.uk as soon as you can, please).
Please see the "Meetings" section of our web site at http://www.alug.org.uk/
for directions and more details.
Announce mailing list
End of Announce Digest
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Earlier today I found some Gnome 2 packages for Debian woody so I have
now installed them.
The first thing I notices is that Gnome 2 bucks the trend of later
versions of software to be slower than their predecessors - Gnome 2 is
noticably faster than Gnome 1.4.
Then I discovered an interesting little problem. On my desktop machine
all works correctly, but on my portable some of the items from the menu
that pops up from the Gnome foot are missing, mostly those in the
"Desktop Preferences" and …
[View More]"System Tools" categories. As both machine
were configured with the same packages this seems very strange.
Does anyone know where the config file and/or directory tree is for
those menus in Gnome2 ?
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One of the major setbacks to introducing Linux is the
'lack of familiarity'. I spend my whole life
rebuilding things that have been anihilated through an
out of date key stroke or two or the associated
hardware reconfiguration fist.
One unwritten law of programs is however backward
compatibility and while new releases should tend
towards the accepted norms (How can we get Linux to
blue screen regularly and then annex the toaster?)
there should always be a 'dark age please' option for
those of …
[View More]us who lived in them unless there is a REAL
reason not to have one. Even the configuration tools
should be user configurable!
If there isnt one in Gnome2 think how you can use your
old key setting and share that or have a polite pop at
someone in the developers list.
Do You Yahoo!?
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts
[View Less]
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:35:34AM +0000, Adam Bower wrote:
> Keith Watson wrote:
> >I'm having problems viewing sites with Shockwave Flash graphics using
> >Mozilla 1.0 running on a Debian Woody base. I've downloaded
> >the latest Linux version for the Macromedia site and installed it in
> >~$HOME/.mozilla/plugins but Mozilla just locks up when I try
> >and load a .swf file.
> IIRC correctly there is a debian package for playing shockwave files,
[View More]gt; try apt-cache search shockwave. Of course it may not be in Woody so you
> may have to look at getting a couple of bits from testing.
Try installing swf-player. It's a new package, so you'll have to get it
from sid, but since it largely just bundles the mozilla plugin I'd
expect it to be okay.
Having said that, since it crashes rather than just not loading you may
have a binary-compat issue or some other thing beyond my ken ;-)
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
Why isn't there an information line to ask when your lucky day is scheduled?
Failure- When your best just isn't good enough.
[View Less]
I'm having problems viewing sites with Shockwave Flash graphics using Mozilla 1.0 running on a Debian Woody base. I've downloaded
the latest Linux version for the Macromedia site and installed it in ~$HOME/.mozilla/plugins but Mozilla just locks up when I try
and load a .swf file.
>From what I've read it seems that this is a known problem. Before I move over to another browser, is anyone aware of any solutions
or workarounds for this?
Live life as life lives …
[View More]itself. - Zen Proverb
[View Less]
Hi folks,
I am having hassle downloading a 700MB ISO image. I tried last night and
the download finished after retrieving only 490MB saying "Download
Complete". I tried again this morning and it finished after retrieving only
331MB, again reporting "Download Complete". Firstly I am confused as to why
both downloads finished prematurely without giving any error messages, but,
secondly, I was wondering if there is a better way anyone could recommend to
download this large file rather than …
[View More]simply clicking on it on the web page
and letting Mozilla automatically handle the ftp download process as I do at
Are there any tips and techniques more experienced ALUGers would like to
share to help me download this large file successfully?
PS: Background info in case it is relevant: My PC is running Debian 3.0 with
over 5GB free disk space and I am downloading over a dedicated 128kB NTL
broadband link.
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To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Announce digest..."
[View More]-------------------------------------.------------
alug-announce | Newsletter of the Anglian Linux User Group | Weekly(ish)
** Please send articles for this letter to announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk **
*** Please send replies to main(a)lists.alug.org.uk, not announce... ***
Today's Topics:
1. Fwd: [Fsfe-uk] New CLTC pages uploaded (MJ Ray)
2. Linux World comes to UK at the NEC Birmingham, Sept 2003 (MJ Ray)
Message: 1
To: announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk
From: MJ Ray <markj(a)cloaked.freeserve.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:49:56 +0000
Subject: [Alug Announce] Fwd: [Fsfe-uk] New CLTC pages uploaded
From: Paul Mobbs <mobbsey(a)gn.apc.org>
Reply-To: mobbsey(a)gn.apc.org
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] New CLTC pages uploaded
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:29:45 +0000
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
After a few months of just 'getting it right', the new web pages for the=20
Community Linux Training Centre are going up this evening.
These are just the basic info - over the next few weeks we'll also try an=
d get=20
the system documentation up - basically how we actually built a portable=20
network and 'Internet simulator'.
We've also been doing some travelling around the UK doing training worksh=
for public and private organisations, using the CLTc system. The 'CLTC=20
information manual', used at these workshops, form part of what's been=20
uploaded today.
If anyone is interested in organising a training day with the system plea=
get in touch for further details (unfortunately, we do have to charge, bu=
not an awful lot).
Feel free to tell friends.
- - --=20
- - -------------------
"We are not for names, nor men, nor titles of Government, nor are we for
this party nor against the other but we are for justice and mercy and
truth and peace and true freedom, that these may be exalted in our nation=
and that goodness, righteousness, meekness, temperance, peace and unity
with God, and with one another, that these things may abound."
(Edward Burroughs, 1659 - from 'Quaker Faith and Practice')
Paul Mobbs, Mobbs' Environmental Investigations,
3 Grosvenor Road, Banbury OX16 5HN, England
tel./fax (+44/0)1295 261864
email - mobbsey(a)gn.apc.org
website - http://www.fraw.org.uk/mobbsey.html
public key - http://www.fraw.org.uk/keylist.html
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
Fsfe-uk mailing list
Message: 2
From: MJ Ray <markj(a)cloaked.freeserve.co.uk>
To: announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:00:08 +0000
Subject: [Alug Announce] Linux World comes to UK at the NEC Birmingham, Sept 2003
For more advance warning of this 3-4 Sept 2003 event, see the organiser's
announcement at http://www.necgroup.co.uk/more/?m=linux
Announce mailing list
End of Announce Digest
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