Adam wrote(29.05.2002):
>yeah, that $ prompt looks as though you are not >root... so try installing
>it as root and putting it in /usr/local/games/ would >be a more normal
>place to put games also, but then /home/games >won't really hurt too much.
tried as root, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.... full
transcript is...
"[Root@localhost Rune]# sh
Verifying archive intergrity......OK
Uncompressing Rune Demo.....
Welcome to the Rune demo
Would you like to read the README for this update [Y/n]: n
Would you like to apply this update? [Y/n]: y
Please enter the installation path:[]: /home/glen
performing update:
ERROR: unable to make path /home/glen/demos/rune-demo
The program returned an error code (3)
[Root@localhost Rune]#"
so that is as far as I can get, I looked up error code 3 and it says ' no
such process' - any ideas?