Dan Hatton wrote:
>I wasn't in the IRC discussion, so apologies if I'm going over old ground.
>Are you trying to mount your root filesystem from an IDE drive? If so,
>please note that kernel-image-2.4.18-686 doesn't have IDE support compiled
>in. I've decided to blame that for my inability to run this kernel, and
>it could also be to blame for yours.
>kernel-image-2.4.18-bf does have IDE support compiled in, but I can't run
>that either, because it's too big for Loadlin. If you're using a
>boot-loader other than Loadlin, you might have more luck.
This sounds excitingly likely....I'll give this a go as soon as I get home
(well, after I've fed the kids and dogs and cats and gone to karate to kick
I think it is IDE.
This will explain something that has been puzzling me for weeks if it
works. I'm using LILO.
Will let you know the outcome.