In a more-stupid-than-normal moment I ended up with a Text Edit
document on my Mac with lots of capital I's in the middle of words. I
tried 'check spelling' to see if it did an entire run of spell-
checking through the document, but there was no dialog box.
Tried to go through it in NeoOffice, which I'm not that familiar
with, but NeoOffice bombed.
Can somebody less brain-dead than I appear to be today come up with a
bash script to pour the text into that does 'replace I not on word
boundary with i'? (The infuriating thing is, I used to *know* this
stuff, or at least where to look it up, but because I've been
Abjuring Hackish Unixy Things since I was in mental hospital this
summer, I don't even know where to start...)
Also 'replace 'fI ind' with 'I find', because the reason I was
messing about with I's in the first place was there's a timing error
with my Alphasmart Neo keyboard and it has a tendency to transpose
Kthxbai, Ruth