I upgraded a machine (not alas my own) by doing a clean install of Mandriva
2008, KDE. As you do. All went well. However, I needed to move over the
kdepim files, calendar, email, address book. And also the kjots files.
So, I cleverly found them in the old /home directory, copied them, and then
copied them into the appropriate places in the new /home directory.
All went well except for one thing. All the icons in the menu bars of kmail,
kjots, and even tellico, have become generic and identical. Not quite what
the user had in mind.
It is only this user. Other accounts work just fine.
Any ideas on how to get them back to normal? Would you for instance copy
the .kde folder from another user and try to import mail? Or would you
rename the problem user, create another, and then do a more sensible kind of
import of the files? And where do kde apps get their little menu icons from