On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 14:59 +0200, Granville Paulse wrote:
> Hi Wayne
> I've basically re-soldered the whole of J6 and J7. These are the files that
> I am using:
> gprs-options:
> /dev/ttyS2
> 9600
> defaultroute
> user ""
> connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/gprs-connect"
> disconnect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/gprs-disconnect"
> gprs-disconnect:
> '' '+++\c'
> SAY " + sending break"
> SAY "\n + dropping data connection"
> SAY "\n + disconnecting from GPRS"
> OK '\c'
> SAY "\n + disconnected."
> gprs-connect:
> '' 'AT'
> OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","Unrestricted","",0,0
> OK ATD*99***1#
> ppp-start:
> /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/gprs-options
> pap-secrets:
> '' * '' *
> In gprs-options, it mentions ttyS2 but there is no mention of ttyS3. Is this
> ok. I am using pppd 2.4.2b3. Is this ok? Are you using a different version?
> What does your connection script look like?
That looks pretty ok to me from a quick glance, ttyS3 is only used if
you have the gps/gprs module for the GPS bit..I actually have ttyS3
tagged off board as I need the serial port for something else. My fox is
currently not with me but I will take a look at my backup of my scripts
later and tell you if there is any obvious difference.
The only other test I can think of is to compile some sort of teminal
emulation command line app for the fox and then try and talk to ttyS2
direct and see if the modem is responding..I suspect not as I can't
think of any other reason ppp would fail like that.
The only other thing I can think of is that the telit module isn't
connecting properly via that multiway connector on the bottom (but
obviously well enough that the power, status and start pins are
connecting) either that or you have a faulty foxGM board but as I say
the traces are pretty much straight though so I can't see what would be
wrong. What sdk/firmware image are you using..I am on the phrozen one