Have you ever used either of these? I want to use fcron to run a command
every 20 or 30 hours of machine uptime, but cannot figure out exactly
where to put the command or how to get it there.
Hello ALUG,
Usually when I'm sending messages to mailing lists, I set the Reply-To
header to the mailing list address (as I've done with this message).
How do people's mail clients respond to this? When you draft a reply,
does it automatically make to To: main@lists...? Or does it make it
Richard Lewis
ISMS, Computing
Goldsmiths, University of London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7078 5134
Skype: richardjlewis
JID: ironchicken(a)jabber.earth.li
[View More]lewis.me.uk/
|Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.|
|http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html |
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Long story, so apologies -- but the details matter.
A few days ago I was checking my bank account online. I noticed a
Direct Debit for £7.99 made that day. Puzzled, I checked the full
transaction details: it was to PC World. I checked back earlier --
another one, a month earlier.
Well, I had been to PC World in Cambridge a couple of months earlier.
Objective: pick up a cheapish laptop to play with some Linux distros,
then do a proper installation.
I noticed a quite nice Hewlett Packard T2390 …
[View More]on special offer at £329.97
(not too keen on the keyboard, but it's OK. The rest seems fine).
While I was looking around, one of the shop-floor assistants latched
on to me assiduously. I tried asking him something about printers,
(built-in PostScript with auto-duplex capability) but he didn't know
much. While I was at it I picked up an ethernet switch and a laptop
carrier bag. Total bill £387.20 (added up in my head).
He then offered to help me carry the stuff (cardboard box with the
laptop in, switch box, bag) to the checkout, which I didn't really
need but since he offered ...
He then stood beside me at the checkout while I paid. Total payment
£387.20 (as added up in my head). I got the receipt, along with
what looked like some publicity leaflets, and went out to my car.
I didn't get an offer of help for that bit.
I didn't check the details on the receipt at the time -- I felt
that things had basically taken their expected course.
After checking my bank account, however, I did check the receipt
in detail. At the top:
HEWLETPACK A961EM T2390 £329.97
and beneath that, in very small print:
Discount Manager Offer - Manager Discretion -£7.99
followed by the items for the network switch and the bag.
So I had been signed up for their "PC Performance" cover, including
the first instalment of £7.99, without noticing (it had not changed
the total price).
And I have no recollection of being asked at any time if I wanted
this. If I had been, I would have said no -- because the first
thing I intended to do was to wipe off Windows and put on Linux,
which would probably have voided any warranty. (In any case,
I never take up these "product cover & support" things).
I then phoned "PC Performance" (a PC World sideline), and was told
that they would cancel the cover, and cease the D/D, but I could
not get a refund because more than 2 weeks had passed. If I wanted
to get the money back, I should contact my Bank to initiate an
"Indemnity Claim".
So I phoned my Bank, and described the situation. "Oh, it looks as
though they've been a bit cheeky", she said. We discussed Indemnity
Claim, and it seemd a long shot (there had been two of them at the
till, one the cashier, the other the shop-floor assistant), so I
dropped the idea. But she said she would immediately close the D/D.
She rang back a few minutes later, to say that since the D/D had been
cancelled on the same day a debit had been made, the debit of £7.99
for that day would be refunded. So that left me overall £7.99 out
of pocket (break-even on the first one, due to "Manager's Discretion").
Not worth trying to take further, though I felt annoyed enough to
want to!
Well, that's my PC World experience! Moral: look closely at the
receipt! (Though by the time I could have done that, it would all
have been set up already -- but at least I would have been within
the 2-week period for getting any money back).
(And I didn't get the impression that it was the first time the
Bank lady had heard such a story ... ).
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding(a)manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 27-May-09 Time: 17:43:46
------------------------------ XFMail ------------------------------
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I'm trying to enable access to an internal webcam externally, through
a firewall. For complex reasons I won't go into unless necessary, the
firewall forwards to a server running xinetd, which then port forwards
to the camera.
The firewall has ports 8090 and 40001 opened, the manual stating these
are the two required.
The xinetd conf forwards 8090 to the camera port 80, and 40001 to the
camera port 40001, the former rule called 'camera' and the latter
Now - using debian …
[View More]and firefox browser, i.e. the java applet option, I
can see the webpage but the image is blank white. (The same setup
could see the image fine on the internal network.) Error message on
page: "Loading java applet failed". Only the 'camera' rule is invoked
in the firewall log.
Windows IE users select the ActiveX button and can see the image
fine, and I note that now in the firewall log the 'camera_image' rule
is now being invoked as well as 'camera'. The java applet does not
try and use port 40001 for some reason, but I can't see any rejected
requests for other ports.
Can anyone shed any light on this? I hope I've explained it well enough.
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On Tue May 19 23:26:48 BST 2009 Steve Fosdick wrote:
>On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 21:13 +0100, Srdjan Todorovic wrote:
> >
> >Seems a bit odd that your keyboard uses /dev/gpmdata if it does not exist.
> >Almost sounds like a messed up X11 config...
>Isn't /dev/gpmdata a _mouse_ repeater device. Why would this be in use for the keyboard whether or not it exists?
Yes, gpmdata is a mouse device! I've been going round in circles on this problem and missed it. The SaX …
[View More]utility in
openSUSE generated the xorg.conf and put in 2 device lines - /dev/gpmdata and /dev/input/mice and with my brain
only half in gear I was looking at the first as keyboard since the second is mouse.
I'm sure the keyboard isn't using it as there's no sign of it in /dev, and I've tried a very minimal xorg.conf with no
specific devices or options so that the xserver configures on the fly, all with the same result. It just seems that whatever
goes in xorg.conf makes no difference, which is why I wonder if it's a kde4 conflict.
View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – Learn more!
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I installed openSUSE 11.1 with KDE4. The initial login was normal and I then set up my detailed video options from within KDE. After restarting the xserver everything was fine and I shut down the computer normally. However when I now log in to KDE the keyboard doesn't work at all.
It seems to be a KDE4 issue because if I log out using the mouse (which is absolutely fine) the keyboard still works on the logon screen so kdm isn't a problem, and if I drop to a tty logon all is completely normal as …
[View More]well.
I'm using a usb keyboard so I tried a ps2 keyboard which gives identical results.
As the keyboard worked in KDE4 on the initial installation login I copied the original xorg.conf back, but that also results in a completely non-functioning keyboard.
I've tried removing all detail from the input sections in xorg.conf, removing the keyboard and mouse devices (keyboard is listed as /dev/gpmdata which doesn't seem to exist), and putting in an option in the keyboard section to stop evdev. None made any difference - all fine on a tty and kdm logon screen, and keyboard completely unresponsive in KDE4 with the mouse normal.
If I log on to icewm instead of KDE4 the keyboard is fine.
When in KDE4 the keyboard is being recognised, using an event character device in /dev/input, with the keyboard name/type correctly listed and linked to it in /dev/input/by-id
My mobo is an ASUS G43/ICH10 with an Intel core2duo 7400 cpu and 4GB memory. I'm using the onboard Intel GMA4500 graphics with the intel driver.
I could remove KDE4 and install KDE 3.5 (which works perfectly with Debian Lenny on this machine), but taking a look at KDE4 was a major part of the reason for installing openSUSE so I'd like to sort this if I can.
Beyond Hotmail — see what else you can do with Windows Live.
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I have worked in central government my entire career (some 35+ years).
I even once worked for the organisation quoted below. I confess
to being completely baffled how a new agreement with Microsoft meets
the Government's committment to Open Source.
In particular the quote attributed to Angela Eagle:
"It [the new agreement] also reinforces the Government's commitment to
its Open Source Action Plan by setting up …
[View More]a facility to reuse and share
licences across the public sector."
The text file for RFC 854 contains exactly 854 lines.
Do you think there is any cosmic significance in this?
Douglas E Comer - Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1
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ALUG Announce
Please send announcements to Announce(a)lists.alug.org.uk
Unsub, change settings via http://lists.alug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/announce
The monthly "Third Monday" ALUG Ipswich Social Meeting is back tonight
(Monday 18th May) at 20:00:
P J McGinty & Sons
15 Northgate Street
Tel: 01473 251 515
Map/Directions URI: http://maps.google.co.uk/?q=IP1+3BY
WWW: http://pjmcginty.moonfruit.com/
McGintys pub is in the centre of Ipswich, not far from our …
[View More]old haunt -
The Milestone. It's directly opposite the town's central library and
has a reputation for good Irish beer.
All are welcome, novices and experienced users. Feel free to ask for
further information on the Main ALUG mailing list.
Topics up for discussion tonight include a showing off of the latest
Android handset running Cupcake (Android 1.5), a rant about why Google
Contacts has no field to store birthdays, and the question of whether
the iPod run it's course ... plus anything else we want to yak about.
Remember to call or email me, if you're arriving later and want to
ensure I don't wander off, which I have a tendency to do if the
turn-out hits rock-bottom ...
Hope to see you there,
Send discussion replies to main(a)lists.alug.org.uk (Reply-To set)
Unsub, change settings via http://lists.alug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/announce
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Hi everyone,
I've got a VMware image of a Linux distro used for development tasks.
I use VMPlayer to boot this distro and then I work in it.
This distro is virtualised as the guest and host libc/toolchain/etc are
of different versions (and also incompatible). But it's a pain to keep
all the windows confined to the VMPlayer window.
So, I was thinking of:
- copying out the files from the vmplayer distro image to a specific
directory on the host filesystem
- chrooting to this directory
[View More] - maybe setting up LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something similar
(though if I'm chrooting, I doubt this step will be needed)
so as to:
- take advantage of SMP when running make
- split out windows from 'pseudo-guest' distro across two screens
- not have to faff about with vmplayer and the slight performance
- not have to worry about removable devices and vmware's
handling of them.
At some point, I will try this out. But has anyone ever tried this, and
did you run into any particular problems? Anything nasty/tricky to be
careful of?
I don't specifically need the guest OSs kernel to be booting, which
is why this is possibly a nice plan.
Thank you
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I'm thinking of getting a cheap netbook to take on a (motorbike)
holiday next month. It'll be Linux based of course and my
requirements are pretty simple. All the basic, cheap netbooks will
fulfil my basic requirements I think - i.e. they have a browser, can
connect to the internet by WiFi, etc. However I have a couple of
specific things which aren't always addresses in the advertising blurb:-
How easy is it to add software? I really have to have ssh as that
is how I access my E-…
[View More]Mail and that's one of the major reasons for
getting the netbook. Are the "as supplied" Linux distributions
sort of cast in stone or can one add things? I don't want to have
to do a complete installation of a new distribution just to get ssh.
Do any of the netbooks have a trackball rather than a pad? I
really don't know why trackballs aren't more popular, I use one on
my desktop and we now have a wireless keyboard with a trackball
and it's magic, no separate mouse to lose/drop and the trackball
is much nicer than a pad.
Chris Green
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