My machine is a dual-boot i7 machine running on one side Windows 7 and
here, Mandriva 2010 (64 bit).
I've complained to my phone provider in the past about things slowing
down after a period of a few hours so they changed the router. I now
have a Huawei HG520b instead of the D-Link I had previously. I'd done a
factory reset on that before swapping it out but then the new router
arrived so I stuffed that in its place without testing the reset.
With the Huawei, Windows will do lookups fine but Mandriva takes ages
for everything, web searches, mail and so on. Sending this message sat
there for ages doing a lookup for the smtp address before I cancelled it
to add this.
I *think* I've got both sides, Windows 7 and Mandriva, setup the same
with DHCP for both IP address and DNS servers but is there anything I
can try before I rip the Huawei out and put back the D-Link?
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