For day to day use I tend to use Firefox, and that's my default browser.
That's more through "habit" than anything else and I frequently get frustrated
by the amount of RAM its using etc.
Occasionally I'll fire up Chrome or Opera, and one day I'll probably switch
In the meantime, what annoys me is that if I have (say) Chrome open and click
on a link elsewhere (eg in an email) it'll open Firefox because that's my
default browser.
I'm sure it would be possible to write a script that checks to see if any
browser is open, and sends the request there, only actually starting the
default (Firefox) if no browsers are open.
[Actually I think this ought to be the default behaviour for a range of apps;
if I have a media player open don't open a different one if I double-click a
media file, etc.]
Any suggestions for where I should start?
Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0844 251 1450
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