I'm adding what is effectively a membership database to a WordPress
site, there are a couple of special requirements:-
1 - The members can be individuals or organisations. An organisation
member will have the organisation details - Name, address, phone, etc. -
plus the ability to add up to five named individuals with simple
details for each.
2 - It's a paid for membership so there will be a PayPal button for
both individual and organisation membership, we obviously don't want
to enter details for someone who hasn't paid. The PayPal buttons can
have a 'Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout' option
so this could be done by having a separate commit for the input form.
The actual data for a member is pretty standard, nothing beyond Name,
Address, E-Mail, Phone, etc.
Looking for 'membership' or similar on the WP Plugins site pulls up
hundreds of plugins all aimed at giving multi-level access to the web
site which isn't what we need at all.
So, any ideas anyone? I'm happy to customise an existing plugin, I
can code in PHP reasonably well, but the more off-the-shelf it is the
better of course.
It feels like a good club membership database plugin would do but I
can't find one in the morass of website membership plugins.
Chris Green