I've just updated a machine to XUbuntu 14.04 (LTS) from the last LTS
release. I've had numerous problems, but something I'm making no
progress with is a problem with the display.
Text and window borders etc seem to display OK, but standard file
manager icons don't. Some graphics look a bit odd - e.g. Tweakubuntu
splash screen which I recall as green and dark grey, comes out washed
out, very faint grey and barely readable.
Some lines of text that should be highlighted, seem to be almost
anti-highlighted - thin faint green foreground text with no highlight
line (whereas on another machine, there should be background highlight).
In synaptic and log file viewer, the text in the top right pane of the
display, that is the pane that displays packages that you are choosing
to install or uninstall, is cunningly displayed in white on white, i.e.
completely invisible. Sometimes by scrolling the mouse wheel or
resizing the window, I can get the text to appear.
I know that synaptic is working because if I use ssh -X to connect to
this machine from another, and run synaptec remotely using x windows
forwarding, then synaptic appears and works correctly. This confirms to
me that it's a display issue, but I'm at a bit of a loss on how to
tackle it.
File managers: they show the file names, but some of the file or folder
icons appear, some don't. Moving the mouse around makes some appear,
and some disappear.
The machine has an old nvidea card, and uses the nouveau display
driver. I've tried reinstalling this.
There's no obvious (to me) display problems shown in dmesg.
I will be trawling through the log files to have a look, (but
log-file-viewer doesn't show log text either).
Any ideas how to go about fixing this? Where are display config
settings to tweak. How can I reinstall/fix?
There is an xorg.conf file but removing this makes no difference.
Any help/advice gratefully received!