ALUG Announce
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Hello Norwich Aluggers,
Our monthly ALUG Norwich social meeting will be held this Thursday,
12th December at The Coach and Horses (82 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1BA).
The meeting officially starts at 8pm, although some people may arrive
earlier. More information on those people can be found on the list and
the IRC channel. If you are …
[View More]unsure if you will recognise us then make
yourself and your intent to attend known by either posting on list or
visiting us on IRC so we can look out for you rather than hiding in
the corner. Optionally you could ask at the bar if they know where the
geeky computer weirdos are and they'll point you in the right direction
(seriously!). Another possibility is look for heaps of electronics on a
table that may possibly look like movie props that would used for
detonating explosives.
Feel free to bring electronics/laptops/gadgets to the meet, you will by
no means be alone.
Ben Bewick aka Viperfang
NB: This mail is automated, please refer to the usual sources for more
ALUG Contact Details:
Website :
IRC : #alug on
List :
Twitter :
Identica: TBA
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Hello Lugs,
I've recently re-installed everything on my home server and now can't
connect with Grsync* from my wife's (18.x Mint KDE) PC. Mine (Mint 19.1
Cinnamon) works fine with essentially the same command (different source
and destinations). On mine a dialog box pops up asking for the password
for the destination. On hers it doesn't it just fails and the error
message says it can't make a directory (which it can't without the
password). So how do I make it ask for a password?
She is …
[View More]a 'user' on the destination device and I did chmod 0777 on her
/home/username/Backup directory so it should be available.
*GUI for Rsync. Typing it all out by hand doesn't work either.
Phil Thane
Tweet @pthane
01767 449759
07582 750607
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I have just received:
Warning: the ECDSA host key for '...' differs from the key for the
IP address '...'
.. when trying to SSH to a web server I manage.
I expect these kind of warnings if I've changed IPs, or reinstalled
SSH, or reinstalled the OS, but I'm not aware of having done anything
that could provoke this warning.
Googling just gives me endless ways to fix the problem by removing the
cached key, but I'm finding precious little advice on what to do if
the warning has no obvious …
[View More]cause.
Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0844 251 1450
Registered in England (0456 0902) 21 Drakes Mews, Milton Keynes, MK8 0ER
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