I have the following in /etc/dhcpcd.conf (on a Pi), which (as I
understand it) should seek an IP via DHCP but fallback to if none is offered.
My problem is that more often than not I end up with the fallback IP
address rather than one from DHCP, despite the Pi being on a network
with a DHCP server.
(The connection to DHCP is a bit convoluted: Pi cabled to Wifi access
point, which is on my home wifi network, which gives it access to my
home router's DHCP server.)
Any suggestions how I can diagnose this?
I'm not sure if the complex connection to DHCP is the issue or not
(and it does sometimes work so I don't think it's a config issue) but
I'm not sure where to start looking and I'd like this to work over
unreliable links if possible.
If I comment out the fallback line I get a reliable DHCP address.
# fallback to static profile on eth0
profile static_eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
interface eth0
fallback static_eth0
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