Just playing with ideas really but I would like to try setting up a
VPN, accessed over IPv4, but where everything within it is IPv6.
There's a few reasons, but they're mostly that I don't know enough
IPv6 so it would force me to get to grips with it when working within
the VPN.
(My objective is to host a VPN to which devices (typically things like
Raspberry Pi's) and "users" connect, with users having access to the
devices but devices not having access to each other or anything else.
No doubt this might change in future to require that some devices can
access specific other services but they'd always be tied down.)
Does this sound plausible? As an OpenVPN novice, is this something I
should park until I know OpenVPN better?
Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0344 251 1450
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