> Later, and as a Mandrakeclub standard member, I downloaded and
> installed the 4 x CD 10.1 Official, and was a bit cheesed off.
> There's no NVIDIA driver supplied as default, no flash player, no
> acrobat reader, no Sun Java runtime or SDK - in fact none of the
> "commercial" apps.
That is probably because (AFAIK) it is the free download version,
100% Free and free software, available to anyone.
"Standard" membership gives access to some extra support forums, ftp
servers and early access to new versions a few weeks before they go
public but not to licenced non-freebeer software.
AFAIK you have to pay a little more for the so-called "Silver" level
or above to get access to the "Powerpack" edition which includes
the fifth CD containing the commercial apps and via mandrake Club.
They are then installed automatically during normal install - 10.0
Official worked fine for me and included all the apps you mention
(apart from nvidi which I didn't need).
An alternative way to get the non-free stuff is to purchase a boxed