The two I've used are Bugzilla [] and Mantis [].
The former requires shell access to setup, and has a number of requirements. Mantis is simpler, in that you just extract the PHP, but it's less featureful. Both require some effort to get the best out of them, though - I don't think either are what I'd term user friendly.
2008/11/26 Mark Rogers
I have just found out that a client is looking at bug/issue management systems, with the ones they've mentioned being Axosoft, Track Studio and Projector. (All but the latter are easy to find online, I've not found Projector's website).
The client will be using them, I believe, to track maintenance and other issues on their site (ie not software bugs).
Are there any good FOSS alternatives I should suggest to them or should I stay out of their way? I suspect that none of the off-the-shelf packages will do what they want and a FOSS option would make it easier to modify, but the other suggestion of building something from scratch will probably be a big uphill struggle unless it turns out they have very simple needs.
-- Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0845 45 89 555 Registered in England (0456 0902) at 13 Clarke Rd, Milton Keynes, MK1 1LG Unsubscribe? See message headers or the web site above!