Adam Bower wrote:
I still think my boss did this as a "challenge" you couldn't get a less supported x86 motherboard if you tried (I suspect anyhow) and I may well
up on the onboard ethernet and just use a different PCI nic instead and
reccomend you do the same too. At least if you do that it will work ok
Debian and getting the thing online to upgrade will not be so difficult.
I was so heartened by this that I stuffed in an old NIC that was lying around, got networking going, and things are looking up. Unfortunately when I then upgraded to a later kernel (2.4.19 from 2.4.18-bf2) I lost the networking again :-) The first kernel image wouldn't boot at all as it seemed to be trying to mount "root=3:01" rather than /dev/hda1? For all that onboard not-worky stuff I found a driver package on nVidia website, NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0248.tar.gz but keep getting make errors. I don't even know if it contains the correct drivers. Adam - have you tried this? So no XWindow (essential for the job this computer is required for) and only networking with one kernel image so far. Also can't find anywhere in BIOS to turn off either PnP OS or the onboard NIC.
I'm about to waste a bit more time this morning doing a 2.4.20 build. Adam - I think your boss did this because the computer is currently on offer at a bargain price at Cambridge Computers - that's how come I ended up being bought one. The subsequent amount of hours at my hourly wage trying to get it working could have brought one twice as expensive and still been cheaper for them :-)