This is a repost as the original didn't seem to turn up - or if it did, no - one commented!
Not that it didn't appear, just that I don't have enough time.
I don't like this - would you do it? - so I've been kicking around the idea of allowing casual person-person item passing. These need to be verified transactions on the database otherwise fraud is simple. The protocol I suggest below is - good enough?? Comments appreciated.
Peer to peer! Trendy. I can't see any obvious problems with the ticketing system, though.
I want to encrypt the lot; ideally the entire database. And the transactions from server to client must be secure too otherwise login accounts get compromised.
Perhaps we can just find somewhere to run the web site over https connections and use the mailing list passwords? Or somehow else store details for it. Perhaps using encrypted email or something.
Is there a security guru in the house?