Paul Grenyer wrote:
I'm having an interesting morning! Especially as I just noticed that replies don't go back to the list by default. I'll have to remember that one.
Yes, they do, if you are using a good email program that supports email lists. The List-Post header is now over 11 years old - almost as old as ALUG! - and it's a blooming disgrace if Google don't support it yet.
One list of good email programs is slowly updated at - recent additions are Thunderbird 3 and Gnus.
Then I went back and, as recommended, disabled root access via SSH. This is where I think I made my novice error, because when I SSH into the box now I can no longer 'sudo'. In fact I get the message:
<user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
This of course means I can't even shut the machine down remotely. Before I take a monitor and keyboard downstairs to it, is there a way I can get around this (after you've all had a good laugh of course!)?
You could try the command "su -" (without the quotes).
Once you regain root, visudo to edit the sudoers settings to prevent a repeat of that warning.
Hope that helps,