Firstly a big "Hello"! I joined up recently after conversations with MJR. I investigate the old Essex LUG but that seems to be dead and buried, so I was thinking of setting up a Chelmsford LUG (comedy name yet to be thought up) as I live near there (Gt. Waltham, grew up in Ford End, country boy really;) and am buying there soon.
I'm having a meeting on Thursday at D-Place in Chelmsford from 6pm for the A12 business networking club which I run on Ecademy - feel free to join the online discussions/come along to the meeting at: http://www.open4.org/joinA12club (it's free)
One of the other members has just started up a local mag "Parklife" being delivered to 10,000 residents of the new, mainly commuter estates of Chelmsford. We're having a feature on the club next month and organising a charity event for the summer, so I posted to the Linux Solution Providers list asking about installfests, and now I'm here.
So, pointers please to setting a LUG up, offers of advice or help for the summer event - prob more of a demonstration of different systems (have MDK10 on my Tosh M30-604 laptop working /nearly/ fully now which looks good and impresses people), any other advice welcome. Thinking about handing out CDs of things like Knoppix, OpenCD, SUSE Live, etc.
Hope you are all enjoying the long weekend hehe ;)
Steve Purkiss
Open for Organisations supporting open source software www.open4.org