On 10/01/13 19:48, Chris Green wrote:
I was considering using VNC to access another box on my LAN but as the remote system (which would run a VNC server) doesn't currently have X running on it (though there's a Lubuntu desktop available) it makes VNC rather awkward.
I've seen x2go recommended for this sort of situation as it seems as if it's more oriented towards the sort of thing I want to do - fire up an X session and use it remotely.
While it would be nice if one could use 'old fashioned' X as it was originally designed it tends not to work so well with very many programs now using dBus to communicate.
E.g. if I try and run nm-connection-editor on the remote system via an "ssh -x remote-system" connection it pops up a window on my system but there's an error:-
** (nm-connection-editor:3088): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-9FFbE3UfRz: Connection refused
... and it doesn't actually work.
Or can anyone suggest how to get around the dBus communication issue?
Is it down to the user credentials? I had a problem recently where the machine kept throwing up dbus errors while trying to compile and run Qt Creator. It turned out that dropping out of root fixed it.