On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Colin Hards wrote:
I can see Linux is coming, I've had a Xandros box for about 6 months, but I've only managed to transfer perhaps about 5% of my real work onto it, and do that work at about 50% efficiency compared to the same tasks on my other Win2000 box.
While I sympathize with the replies of other group members to the effect that we're a Linux users' group, not a Linux trainers' group or a Linux evangelists' group, and that Colin's post doesn't give enough detail for us to help much, these statistics scare me. Something's wrong here. Colin, perhaps you could tell us what your job is, and maybe give us some examples of tasks you've been unable to transfer to Linux, or have been able to transfer, but only at low productivity. I think it probable that we'll be able to come up with some tips to change this.