On 17-Sep-08 19:13:04, mbm wrote:
On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 20:00:44 +0100 (BST) (Ted Harding) Ted.Harding@manchester.ac.uk allegedly wrote:
One of the directories in /home/ted is Downloads, i.e.
I want to put an icon on the desktop such that double clicking on this will open /home/ted/Downloads and display its contents (rather than having to double click on "ted's Home" and then double click on "Downloads").
Open the home directory, right click on "Dwnloads" and select "Make Link". Now move the link to the desktop (left click on "Link to Downloads" and move it).
Thanks, that worked! (I had previously tried dragging "Downloads" onto the actual desktop, i.e. the screen background, without success). It comes up with a "stick-on" arrow, indicating of course that it's a link (presumably a sym-link?)
I'm a bit puzzled by all this, though. The other icons on the desktop don't seem to be sym-links -- they seem to be directly linked to the files/directories (or to the method to open them), and I had been hoping to emulate how that was done.
Thanks again. Ted.
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