I want to make it easy to find my eeePc server that I'm going to leave running on my boat in Belgium, it's connecting using a 3-G router which offers four possible DDNS services:- dyndns.org freedns.afraid.org www.zoneedit.com www.no-ip.com
Does anyone have any experience of using any of these services, any recommendations?
Next - I've tried to set up with freedns.afraid.org and I don't really unbderstand what I'm doing! I've created an account there and have entered the details of that account into the 3-G router configuration. What I don't understand is the last parameter it asks for which is DDNS.
Presumably DDNS is the domain name tat you select as the one to access the dynamic IP server - however I don't understand where I get that from at freedns.afraid.org.