On 11-Jan-02 bsamuels@beenthere-donethat.org.uk wrote:
He has an external US Robotics 5630 (56k) which works perfectly with windows. After running pppconfig to set up a connection and using pon to dial out I can see the ATZ sent with an OK response from the modem then I see the dial string and immediately the modem returns NO CARRIER. There is a very short burst of noise from the modem before the NO CARRIER message but it won't dial.
After this even the initialisation string has no effect until the power to the modem has been turned off and on again.
Going back into Windows (now wash your hands), after trying to dial out through Linux, the damn thing works perfectly.
Clearly Linux is initially able to make contact with the modem.
One approach I could suggest takes the following line. The "ATZ" command resets the modem to "default" state. However, as a rule this is not "factory default" but whatever default has been stored in the modem's NVRAM[*]. Your story suggests that Windows has set this up in its own inimitable way.
[*] An old US Robotics modem manual ("Sportster 14400") tells me that
ATZ: Software reset to NVRAM settings if DIP switch 7 is OFF, to factory settings if DIP switch 7 is ON. Also initiates new settings of DIP switches 1-6.
I hope you have the modem user's manual with a complete listing of its Hayes "AT" commands. What I'm suggesting, if you really get stuck in the fog, is that you use a program like 'minicom' (which allows you to converse directly with the modem in a terminal window), and read out the "S-registers" or other stored info, in order to find out what has been happening. When you know what state the modem has been left in, then you can use other "AT" commands to set it up as it ought to be (preferably as an initialisation string in the Linux dialup config, if the modem is going to be used in both Windows and Linux, otherwise next time Windows gets to it ... ).
Maybe you have a DIP switch option like the above on your model, maybe not ... If you do, then this might give you a simple solution. In any case you should be able to use the "AT&F" command which, on Hayes compatible modems, should reset to factory defaults (and I always put this at the start of the init string, just in case, even though I don't let Windows near my modem); but you still have to check that this one works on your modem.
I hope this helps, thought it's a bit of a shot in the dark. And the search in the S-registers could be rather tedious!
Good luck, Ted.
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