I have a strange problem when I try and access my home LAN web server from home. Once in every three or four connections the web server hangs for several minutes before the data is delivered. This happens when I access the pages as http://zbmc.eu/xxx/yyy. I was going to say that the data is eventually delivered but one I just tried returned a "The connection has timed out" message.
If I access the same pages as http://localhost/xxx/yyy then it all works perfectly, no hangs.
Now the 'fly in the ointment' as it were is that my ADSL connection uses two ADSL providers on two telephone lines, the sharing is provided by my Draytek Vigor 2820n router. I *suspect* that its the sharing in the router that causes the problem, but it doesn't happen for other URLs, just for http://zbmc.eu/ URLs.
Any suggestions for how to diagnose what's going on?