* From: James Green jg@cyberstorm.demon.co.uk
In message 370DD215.BeroList-2.5.9@stu.uea.ac.uk, alug@stu.uea.ac.uk writes
- From: Mark J Ray h089@uea.ac.uk
[ big snip of stuff I generally agree with ]
Right, the website: we seem to be blessed with a number of people willing to create websites, so rather than have to assign the management of the whole site to any one person, I'd like it if _everyone_ who wants to creates a page (or more) about something useful to ALUG. The main website then becomes an index for members own sites, in a WWWVL sort of way.
Yeah, I think I get your meaning. I don't know the rules associated with the lug.org.uk domain hosting but if ALUG member could mount their own homepages in directories off the main server that would be seriously cool. I say that for several reasons:
1. Members might want somewhere to mount pages without the fear of banner ads everywhere like Geocities;
2. Members might want somewhere to distribute their own developments in code :O)
3. Some people (me!) have commercial web-authoring experience, but have no-where other that localhost to put cgis. Having our own box would enable them to mount dynamic pages without fearing the loss of a major server. Would still need to be validated I guess;
Now, I've got Apache compiled and working purrrfectly, I've just grabbed php3 to see if that can be of use, and I'm grabbing the Gimp 1.3.4 to see if it stops dying everywhere, so tonight and Saturday I'll get working on a complete site. Don't worry - we can always integrate the best ideas from all of us into one site and link various homepages from it.
I just need to learn how to use SSI properly and get the headers and footers working. I expect I'll put snaphots of the site up on my webspace over the weekend, then next week we can mix-n-merge till our heart's content.
One question though - until www.alug.lug.org.uk is up and running - anyone got some server space for me to mount dynamic pages on? I'm planning on building with SSI, PERL, possibly C/C++ and php3 (depends how useful it can be). Unless space can be found I can only take snapshots of localhost and mount them.
Hope you agree with all that ;)
Yep, and thanks.
I'll e-mail a bod down at Essex uni and us a entry in their links page, maybe an announcement on the csstudents mailing list (at least it's not commercial) - that last bit needs the PR so can we all agree on it and fill in the blanks?