On Tuesday 16 August 2005 14:22, Stuart Bailey wrote:
Hi I have a customer who has 512M broadband to their site. They have recently recruited more staff, and find that 512 is not enough. BT have checked their lin3es and say the they're lucky to get 512 (they are about 5 mile from the exchange). Unfortunately, a 2M link is too expensive.
Is there any way (perhaps with hardware) to configure multiple 512M links into one high spped link? They ideally want 2Mb
There are companies that deal with channel bonding ADSL.
Both lines have to be from the same ISP and some hardware is needed.
If you need more info drop me a line, we deal with an ISP that can do this. I am just about to Channel bond 2 x 2mb ADSL lines for a local school.
Many thanks,
Andy Trevor Technical Director
Cutter Project Limited