On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 04:29:31PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
What I'm after is essentially a view of my table with some calculations/filters between data entry and the database. I.e. when the 'form' is opened it loads up the whole database table and presents it on screen in tabular fashion. I can edit existing entries simply by moving to them and changing them, I can add entries at the end. Most fields simply get inserted unchanged in the database as I type them but some fields are automatically calculated and inserted when I enter/change other fields in the same row.
Just to show what I *don't* want but which seems to be the typical approach take a look at:- http://www.dadabik.org/index.php?function=show_demo
It's so *clumsy*! To change an entry in your table you have to find the right row and then say 'edit this row please' and up pops a new form where you enter the data - and you can't see any of the other data which you may need to work out what to enter.
I want a form like the 'show all records' one but where I can do everything, edit existing records, add new records and (occasionally) delete records. It seems such an obvious way to do things, make the computer do the work, not the user.