Hi everyone, Recommendation time......
I'm trying to find the best MTA to meet my requirements,and these are...
1. mySQL integration, alias, virtual users, security, authentication, local domains (maybe even the mailboxes themselves) 2. Easy administration, in relation to Sendmail, with web based admin as standard. 3. Spam controls. 4. AV integration..
I realise that there is a way to do this on just about every MTA, but I'm looking for one that can be recommended, ease of use, installation and configuration...
The main thing is the mySQL integration, I've been looking at it with Sendmail and although it's possible, it looks a nightmare. and to top things off I've got to do this on a live system!!! BUT... I'm building a new server soon and want to get an action plan and application list together before I start (will also give me some time to RTFM)..