mick wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 10:35:25 +0100 Anthony Anson tony.anson@girolle.co.uk allegedly wrote:
I have to admit that I've never visited a blog, so have only a hazy idea of what one is,
Never visited a blog? Hell, you need to get out less.....
Got addicted to Usenet before the WWW came along innit. TAAAW, I've never tweeted, don't visit Farcebook and only allow cookies for 'the session'
My first browser was Mosaic, and I still have my first modem (not in use, I hasten to add) which plugged into the back of an Amstrad PCW 8256 and ambled at a note-in-a-forked-stick rate, and preceded my great leap into IBM-compatibles.
I think I still have my DOS 4 (5ΒΌ") floppies somewhere, and I do have my six Linux FT CDs...