On 10/05/13 14:41, mick wrote:
I had been completely MS free for many years until I bought a Garmin SatNav with "free for life map updates". It turned out that those map updates could only be obtained if you ran windows or OSX. Bloody silly since the Garmin device itself runs an embedded version of linux. I swallowed hard and bought a crappy old MS box off ebay for £20, just so that I could get my map updates. Garmin also got a snottagram from me.
It's just the same with Tomtom as their boxes run linux. But they insist on using Windows for all updates although I use Windows XP or 7 under VirtualBox to do it most of the time.
Tomtom have had emails from me bemoaning their use of Windows.
I think people have now cracked the protection TT use which enforces the use of Windows and an associated browser but as I'm currently paying for map updates and the speedcam service, I won't take notice of the cracks.