Richard asked:
Are there other list members who use GPG? It would be good to extend the web of trust beyond the regular pub attenders.
Yes, I do. I'm not often in the pub in Norwich because another group I like meets in King's Lynn on second Thursdays and that's 4 miles away instead of 44...
pub 1024D/E142E6F4 2002-06-09 [expires: 2013-07-10] Key fingerprint = B55E 1248 ADE6 9094 95BA C7E5 9946 397A E142 E6F4 sub 1024g/16E0A3CD 2002-06-09 [expires: 2013-07-10] sub 2048R/20BF6005 2012-07-17 [expires: 2013-07-17]
I'm happy to sign keys for ALUGgers who have been using the same identity for a while. I will not sign on a first meeting based only on state-issued ID.