John Seago wrote:
Perhaps such `purity' would be dificult to achieve for ALUG, but a smaller subset of ALUG, or Joint Group might be possible. Athough the population density of our area, and the attendance at meetings, might make any such project impractical
We seem to be being paralysed on the organisation front. No-one is taking the initiative and organising any meetings. Subsetting is probably a good idea, but not too rigourously. I'd definitely be interested in a GNU group, but who else? Maybe it's time to add some group ideas to our entries?
As for meetings: the last one was here in King's Lynn, I'd rather not be doing the next one, but if needs must, I will. I'm sort-of inclined to suggest an informal (Wednesday?) evening hour-or-two meeting in a local beery establishment not too far from the stations, which should be very easy for people along the A47 (X94 coach), A148 (X98 coach) or Lynn-London train line to get to. Who's interested and which nearby Wednesdays can they make?