On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 18:28 +0100, Chris Glover wrote:
Have you tried creating menus yet?
That was the bit that I really needed qdvdauthor's help for, now I have seen the output xml I think I have enough understanding to do it by hand.
I was failing to understand how the option highlighting worked and how to define submenus, still haven't worked out how to do a fancy menu transition (where it will play a short transition mpeg as you change to a submenu) but I am getting there.
The main problem with doing this stuff is the constant rebuilding of the DVD structure to test stuff like the menus, I have streamlined this process a bit by putting placeholder 2 frame snips in where the real footage should be.
Took me ages last time I tried using the Gimp to do it. Ended up with a slightly distorted menu as I told dvdauthor it was 16:9 when it should be 4:3 DOH! :-)
Yeh doing stuff for TV does that to you, careful choice of fonts is also required as it is easy to forget what poor resolution does to small typefaces...also been caught out once today by dvd-slideshow defaulting to NTSC output.
Do you know how much different (hardware) players drift from spec (beyond some not liking some recordable media) If my menus and transitions and stuff all work on player A then it is reasonable to assume that it is likely to play on all players (remembering early versions of Xine DVD-NAV not liking some disks here) ?