On 24/10/17 10:17, Huge wrote:
On Tue, 2017-10-24 at 10:01 +0100, Laurie Brown wrote:
Hi all,
Well, after many years of my Linux mail filters working very well, I've noticed a significant increase in spam over the last week, and last night I got 33 alone, an unheard of number.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Yep. Not only am I getting a massive increase in spam (from near enough zero to 40 or 50 a day), but they're much bigger than previously - near enough a megabyte each. IMO this is closer to a DoS attack than it is advertising.
At least it's not just me!
I save all missed spam in special folders and about once a fortnight I use them to train the Bayesian DBs. I've got hundreds now and I'm currently grepping out and counting IP addresses. I should have a decent list for iptables. I don't like doing it this way, but this calls for desperate measures! Even my clients are complaining, not something they have ever done before (about spam anyway!)
Ideas anyone?
Sadly not, at the moment. I'm just gritting my teeth and training my filters up. Due to the enormous size of the emails, I am looking filtering solutions that run over IMAP, rather than having to download the garbage first (that and Sieve scripts that run at my ISP), but apart from that, I run much the same stuff as you.
Well, thanks anyway. I must say, I'm not seeing a particular increase in the size of the spam emails.
I run a couple of postfix filters on small cloud VMs which deal with most spam before it even gets to my main servers. This stuff is getting through those filters (my main servers won't accept SMTP traffic from anywhere except the filters).
Cheers, Laurie.