On 17 May 15:19, Mark Rogers wrote:
On 17 May 2017 at 14:35, Brett Parker iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk wrote:
The pages happen to be 1/3rd A4 size, so, something like:
pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/test.pdf
Should do what you're after.
That's damn near perfect, thanks!
The only tweak I needed was that the original contains 16 pages, with the last page being useless but preventing it fitting on 5 pages.
Googling suggested that $ pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf 1-15 --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/test.pdf
.. would do what I wanted but it didn't - the result wasn't a valid PDF.
Really? I just ran:
pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf '1-15' --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/temp.pdf
and it seemed to generate something that was perfectly fine in evince.
So I tried two steps: $ pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf 1-15 --outfile ~/test.pdf $ pdfjam ~/test.pdf --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/test2.pdf
.. which extracted the right pages but screwed up the layout.
In the end I combined knowledge from elsewhere in this thread to get: $ pdftk Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf cat 1-15 output tmp.pdf $ pdfjam tmp.pdf --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile result.pdf
The result is spot on but I'd be interested to know where I went wrong trying to do this in a single step with pdfjam?
Dunno, unless it really does parse '1-15' different to 1-15, which would be odd indeed!
Really, looking at how that booklet is supposed to be folded, it looks like "all the fun" to actually print it in a way where you can fold it correctly in to the actual leaflet.