On 8 March 2013 14:20, Brett Parker iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk wrote:
On 08 Mar 13:55, Mark Rogers wrote:
- What is "System connection"?
System rather than User level Network Manager config...
Sorry to be daft but what does that mean in practice?
- Under IPv4/Basic, what is the difference between "Automatic (VPN)"
and "Automatic (VPN) addresses only"
The first would be "set my default gateway through the VPN".
The second would be "only add routes to the VPN'd hosts"
I thought that, but under IPv4/Routes there's "Use only for resources on this connection" which I thought would do that?
Googling suggests this settings has something to do with DNS although I'm none the wiser.
Either way, having just joined a Windows VPN, neither setting gives me routes to addresses on the VPN unless I manually add a route; the subnet mask for the connection is coming up as
You can probably just restart network manager.
Unticking "Enable networking", waiting, then reticking it, seems to work too. Although for some reason my DHCP provided DNS settings then went awry.
(Never been a fan of NM but thought I should try it again, never used it under KDE before though.)