Many thanks to those who've emailed me privately to express broad agreement to the ideas I've raised. Ill get around to replying to list comments when I get a chance.
I'd like to make a further suggestion. One reason speakers may be less willing to step forward to talk at group meetings is the difficulty of providing computers for use in their demonstrations. Perhaps ALUG should provide them?
If we provide speakers with one or two computers a few weeks before the meeting, then they can load them with their OS and relevant software for their discussion or demo well in advance. The advantage of this is that their own equipment does not need to be disassembled and transported, and at the meetings group members can experiment with the computers and test software after the talk, without fear of compromising private files or important work. Therefore the speakers equipment will not be risked.
The best solution would be for the next speaker to collect the machines after an earlier group meeting, but if this is not possible then I'd be happy to deliver them (let's say Norfolk) at a convenient time to the home of speaker. I could also store a few machines in between whiles if this was necessary.
I have one old machine in my loft and will be retiring another in a month or two, and would be happy to donate them. Perhaps over time group members upgrading could donate their old systems to the group rather than bin them, and this way the group can gradually update the stock. Maybe some businesses could also be persuaded help with old gear.
Even if a meeting had no speaker a number of group machine could be set up so we can all try out different software.
Taking the idea further still, once a reasonable number of computers were obtained by the group then demonstrations or open days become possible - even to schools!
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