On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 11:03:52PM +0000, D.I.Freeman wrote:
Does anyone know of some OSS PCB design and schematic capture programs?
I've used GNU EDA (http://www.geda.seul.org/) to draw some basic circuits and export to PostScript.
What about development tools for VDHL and Pic's
No idea about VHDL, but, I do all of my PIC programming in linux. I use c2c as my C compiler (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/3656/c2c/c.html) and gpasm for assembly (http://gpasm.sourceforge.net).
If you want a more comprehensive C compiler (and want to pay) then there's CCS for linux.
I have a PICStart Plus PIC programmer from Arizona Microchip, so, I use picp (http://www.cosmodog.com/pic/index.html) to drive it.
So far, it's all worked very well. But, I have only really played with the PIC16x84 range of chips.