On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 09:56:30AM +0000, Mark Rogers wrote:
David Reynolds wrote:
It would probably be wise to start by reading this:
and then perhaps http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/336 and http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/337
should give you a flavour.
Thanks, I'll add that to the top of the bedtime reading pile!
Out of interest, what is the package you're recompiling? Have you tried looking at backports.org to see if it has already been backported?
All the repos have 3.6.8, but 3.8.0 has been available for months and I'm told it fixes a few bugs, but I'm not going to be able to properly test it without putting it onto a live server to get the volume of traffic, so I need to be sure that I can install it and (if necessary) uninstall it and put the official version back without too much grief.
I'd be interested to know what bugs it fixes - dspam 3.6.8 appears to be doing a *fantastic* job on my mail...
Anyways - looking at: http://dspam.nuclearelephant.com/text/CHANGELOG-3.8.0.txt
Doesn't look like there's a lot of difference between the two, and it should be fairly simple to do a backport as follows: apt-get source dspam
Swipe the debian directory from there and put it in to a untarred 3.8.0 directory.
dch -v "3.8.0-0local"
Add changelog line.
dpkg-buildpackage -r fakeroot